On ICE」のオープニングテーマを歌っているのが、なんとあのディーンフジオカさん。曲名は「history maker」。俳優でありアーティストでもあるディーンさんが、このアニメのために書き下ろした「history maker」、英詞の曲のため、和訳が気になりませんか?Let's Begin Formally or informally, human societies across place and time have made rules to bind and dissolve couples The stakes of who can obtain a divorce, and why, have always been high Divorce is a battlefield for some of society's most urgent issues, including the roles of church and state, individual rights, and women's rightsWhat is History?, the western world was still reeling from the blows of two world wars and two major revolutions, the Russian and the Chinese The Victorian age of innocent selfconfidence and automatic belief in progress lay far behind The world was a disturbed, even menacing, place Nevertheless signs had begun
英字新聞和訳 グローバルペアレンツ
Rich brian history 和訳